Class Summary |
AboutDlg |
About dialog for the Relay-JFC chat application. |
ChannelFrame |
An MDI client frame that holds a ChannelPanel. |
ChannelPanel |
A three-panel GUI for one IRC chat channel. |
ChannelSearchFrame |
Internal frame/MDI client frame that holds ChannelSeachPanel. |
ChannelSearchPanel |
A panel containing fields for specifying a channel search, a search
button to start the search and a table in which to display the
search results. |
ChatAction |
Makes it easier to implement actions. |
ChatApp |
Main class of the Relay-JFC chat application. |
ChatOptions |
User's option settings such as nick name, font and colors
as well as favorite servers, channels and users. |
ChatOptionsDlg |
Dialog allows user to configure the chat client with
user name, nick name and to select a server; all of the
information which is stored in the ChatOptions ojbect. |
ChatPanel |
A panel which provides a text pane for the (color coded) display of
messages from the IRC server and, below that, a text field where the
user may type in messages to be delivered to the IRC server. |
ColorPanel |
ConnectDlg |
Connection dialog allows user to specify IRC server to which to connect
and user information for connection. |
ConsoleFrame |
Provides a display area for general messages from the IRC server. |
CustomAction |
An IChatAction implementation that executes a JPython script, a Java
class that implements IRelayRunnable or an IRC command. |
CustomActionEditPanel |
CustomActionsDlg |
CustomActionsPanel |
Provides UI for editing a collection of CustomActions. |
CustomListener |
CustomListenerEditPanel |
CustomListenersDlg |
CustomListenersPanel |
Provides UI for editing a collection of CustomListeners. |
FavoritesFrame |
MDI client frame that holds FavoritesPanel. |
FavoritesPanel |
Panel that holds a Favorites tree of favorite servers, channels and users. |
FontPanel |
GuiChannel |
A GuiObject that represents a channel. |
GuiServer |
A GuiObject that represents a server. |
GuiUser |
A GuiObject that represents a user: creates user actions and user popups. |
InterfacePanel |
JoinDlg |
Displays a JoinPanel. |
JoinPanel |
Allows user to specify which channel is to be joined and to edit the
favorite channel list. |
PropDlg |
Property dialog for IChatObjects. |
PropPanel |
Generic property panel with a description field. |
PythonFrame |
An MDI client frame that holds a PythonPanel. |
RunPanel |
ServerAddDlg |
Dialog for editing a new or existing server object via a server holder:
uses ServerAddPanel. |
ServerAddPanel |
GUI for editing a Server object held by a ServerPanel.ServerHolder. |
ServerListDlg |
Server list dialog allows user to edit the server list
using the ServerListPanel component. |
ServerListPanel |
Relay's server list editor panel. |
ServerPanel |
JPanel for specifying IRC server and editing list of servers. |
ServerPanel.ServerHolder |
Holds server objects during editing, so changes can be cancelled. |
UserDlg |
Displays WhoIs information for an IRC user. |
UserList |
List component which displays the users currently present in a
chat channel. |
UserPanel |
JPanel for specifying user information required for IRC connection. |
Classes for the Relay-JFC IRC chat client.